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Dark Skies




Hawaiian Skies

Tahitian Skies

Caribbean Skies

Mediterranean Skies

African Skies

Scandinavian Skies

(Do we detect a theme here?)

Upside Down Down Under Skies

Southern Constellations

What the Ancients Saw

Stargazing for Beginners

Cruising Beneath the Southern Cross

Cruising Through the Milky Way

Mythological Moments – the Celestial Segment

As the World Turns (Why are there different skies?)

Constellations of the Zodiac

Why Are There Seven Days in a Week?

Extra!  Extra!  Read All About It!  (Astronomy in the News)

Holst:  The Planets

 à NEW!  The Stars on the Brazilian Flag

 Birding in Kenya

Birding in Hawaii

Birding in Costa Rica 

à NEW!  The Birds of New Zealand





Sample Lecture  Summaries

Lisbon to Capetown

(October/November,  2006)

 Explore the Wonders of the Night Sky with The Star Lady!

(Haven’t you always wanted to spend more time with the stars?)


#1.  African Skies

This cruise offers unique opportunities to discover the Southern Stars.  See  how the sky changes as we sail south towards the equator and beyond.  Prepare yourself for the Southern Cross, the Magellanic Clouds and other Celestial Delights!

#2.  Birding in Africa

Birders (not unlike stargazers) will find this an exciting cruise on which to add to their “life lists”.   The Star Lady has birded in Africa and will share with you some of the triumphs and frustrations in her Quest for the Scarlet-tufted Malachite Sunbird.

# 3.  Sharing the Stars

Stargazing is a wonderful bonding experience for young and old alike.  Discover our home galaxy, The Milky Way!  Garner tips to help you touch the Wonders of the Cosmos and the Mysteries of the Universe!

#4.  Southern Constellations

As we continue our journey south we will still enjoy many of the Classic Constellations of the Ancients.  To add to our stargazing delight, we will discover new, exciting parts of the sky mapped by more modern navigators.  Are you ready for the Celestial Table Mountain?

#5.  As The World Turns

How many skies are there anyway?  Come and see how the sky changes over the seasons.  We’ll fire up the ms Prinsendam’s Planetarium for your viewing pleasure!

#6.  Constellations of the Zodiac

Astronomy with a smidgeon of Astrology!  Where is your Birth Sign Constellation in the Heavens?  What celestial wonders does it hold?  Why are astronomers interested in it?

#7  Extra!  Extra!  Read All About It!

It’s an exciting era for skywatchers!  Astronomy makes the news almost daily!  Enjoy summaries of some of the most important sky news events.

#8  “Why Do We Have Seven Days in a Week?”

Discover the non-mathematical, (intriguing!) sky-related explanation for the evolution of our 7-day week.  But wait!  There’s more!  Discover Messier Objects, the International Star Registry, Magnitudes of Stars, the Career Path of our Sun and an overview of Tonight’s Sky!

#9.  The Planets

Enjoy ethereal music from Gustav Holst’s Suite, “The Planets” combined with information about our Solar System and juicy tidbits of gossip about our celestial neighbors.

#10.  What the Ancients Saw

No, they weren’t hallucinating!  The Ancients played a kind of game of “connect-the-dots” in the sky forming animals and mythological heroes.   Most of us today have difficulty “seeing” the images.  Let us “draw the pictures” for you!

BIO:   Donna Giesler, The Star Lady

Passionate about her stargazing and explorations of the night sky,  The Star Lady is the perfect guide for your introduction to the Southern Skies.

Once a teacher and educational columnist on the forefront of integrating High Tech into the classrooms of Toronto, Donna would now like to integrate the Wonders of the Night Sky in to your African Adventure.

“Meet the Star Lady” each afternoon at 3:30 pm in the Explorers’ Lounge (time/venue to be adjusted) and learn more about The Night Sky:


Your Questions, Requests                                   Astronomy Games!

 Maps, Magazines & Planispheres                     Star Charts for “Tonight’s Sky”

 Stargazing Crossword Puzzles                            Binoculars & Telescopes

 What else is in the sky?                                     Cosmology & Philosophy!


SKYTOURS:  Join the Star Lady on the Sports Deck each night at 9:00 pm (time/venue to be adjusted) for a thrilling Tour of the Night Sky.  See the actual objects and constellations featured in the Exploration Lectures!  Binoculars and neck rests would enhance this experience.     


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